Personal info

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  • Me :)

  • Likes & hates

  • Goals

  • Tools & programs

Me :)

Heyo, my name's Codi and I'm 16. I live in the Netherlands. Am I neurodivergent, yes, I’ve got ADHD. With that I also want to apologize in advance if I ever forget something or put of on anything. I have trouble with my time management, planning and motivation :D.
I've been seriously(ish) doing art for about 5 years now. It started off with traditional art in 2018. As I got older that branched into both digital and traditional around 2019/2020. Currently I’m mostly busy with digital art, it’s however nice to come back to traditional ever so often :).
I mostly stick to animals and humanoids, however I’d really like to get more experience on other creatures and scenery. Backgrounds are especially an aspect I really have to put some work into.
As I’m becoming older I’ve been trying to make a little profit off of my hobby. Which has been going… not so great (thank you to the one person who has commissioned me and was incredibly patient :). Starting commissions can be quite hard, especially with how I struggle to stay consistent, but this time I’m really putting work into it! Right now I’m mostly starting on gaining back on audience and building a proper foundation.

Likes & hates

I really enjoy nature and animals :)I hate carrots >:(


The goals i currently have are to create consistency in the way i work and to build up a proper audience. In the meantime i want to work on my art skills and biology as well!

Tools & programs

-IPad air 4th generation
-Huion Inspiroy 2
-Clip Studio paint (EX)
-DaVinci Resolve (Free ver.)


None yet, if you have any questions feel free to ask :). You can on any of my socials or by mail/discord!


Email: [email protected]
Discord: codileaf